Who are we?

We are two Australian mothers on a journey to re-discover our minxy selves.

As young minxes, we travelled, partied, earned degrees, climbed the corporate ladder and romanced the wrong men. We are now a little older, a little wiser and our combined histories have left us a little more vulnerable. We are navigating new adventures, possibilities and perspectives as mothers and wives. And on that journey, we are determined to bring our inner minxes with us.

 15-Introducing Sarah

I’m a first time mummy, long time minx. Although the minx part of my personality has most definitely been on a sabbatical for the last 18 months or so. The last 10 years have been a massive time of growth of me. I started down a traditional path of home ownership and marriage with my long term boyfriend from university. (He is the reason Robyna and I know each other actually). However, as I reached my mid-20s, my career was taking off and I was changing fundamentally as a person and was no longer the person I used to be. Despite some effort, we grew apart and our marriage ended. I was 26. The years that followed were filled with incredible highs – living over seas, travelling, embracing the world, throwing my passion for conservation into full swing through my career, seeing amazing live music and making memories with friends. There are also the lows – dealing with the stigma of being “divorced” at a young age, bouts of depression, singledom and it’s loneliness. In early 2012 I met Mr G through friends very late one evening at a bar and we’ve not looked back. It was right, it was fun and easy and there was so much love between us. We welcomed our daughter in 2013 and later that year Mr G started working FIFO (fly-in-fly-out) in Western Australia. A challenge but still the love between us and in our family grows every day despite the distance. We are happy, healthy and looking forward to the future, all while we try to embrace each moment we have now.

Sarah X
You can read more about how I got to this point in my life here.


18-Introducing Robyna

I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt and friend.  My passions are writing and creating beautiful things.  The past few years have seen immense changes and challenges for myself and my family.   As a younger woman, I found all the purpose I needed in my career.  My background is software development, but I quickly moved into a management position.  Managing people was a natural fit and I adored the people I worked with.  When I fell pregnant with our first son, I was elated.  I also fully expected to return to work within a few short months, preparing myself to find motherhood tedious and boring.  The truth was, I found it exactly the opposite.  I fell head over heels with Master I and wanted to spend every moment with him.  I returned to work about a year after he was born.  I continued to enjoy the challenges of work, but I could not escape the feeling I was stealing from my son.  In the end, I negotiated a different, part-time position which created the space I craved in my life for my family.  Enough space to welcome another little boy into the world.  That little boy unexpectedly left the world two weeks later.  Dealing with the death of my child has been by far the hardest thing I have ever faced.  It is also given me clarity about the things that really matter to me.  About a year after we said goodbye to our son, we welcomed another child into our family.  These days, I hang out with Master E, whilst Master I is in Prep at school.  I have a million ideas that I am trying to refine and focus whilst juggling the care of my children.   I have unkempt hair, a crazy, messy house, a racing brain and a heart overflowing with love.

xxx Robyna

You can read more about my journey so far here.

Here at the Mummy and the Minx, our collective histories shape who we are and what we will talk about. Between us, we have seen a great deal of the world and experienced enormous highs and heart crushing lows. We have felt elation and frustration on the career stage and on the mummy journey.  We bring our bruises, our war stories and most importantly, what we have learned along the way.

We started this blog because we both feel passionate about women investing in themselves, discovering their purpose and chasing their dreams.

Mostly, we just want mothers, and all women and girls, to feel good about themselves.

Mrs G & Mrs M as young minxes

Robyna & Sarah as young(er) minxes

Professional images by the very talented Bree of Bree Naomee Photography

8 thoughts on “Who are we?

  1. Pingback: The Mummies & The Minxes | the Mummy & the Minx

  2. Congratulations on your new adventure girls!! I can’t wait to read more. PS. Oh my goodness, such photogenic mums and bubs! Beautiful photos. Tam xx


  3. I am so proud of both of you I have introduced your website to a new dad here at my work and he was very interested and will be looking at it with his wife this evening.


  4. What sensational introductions. Honesty wins me over every single time. I can’t fathom some of the things that you’ve both faced, but what I can safely guarantee about those things is this – they’ve made you each MORE compassionate, more aware of putting first things first.
    Maybe I’m crazy, but there’s something about brokenness, the awful places you have to endure in life, that I find the most deeply human and utterly beautiful. Not that you’d wish such things on anyone, but they change us don’t they? Out of the ruins…


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